Digital Marketing
Digital Wizards
Delivering the right content in the channels that matter to your customers
Marketing has always been about developing relationships with your customers in the right place at the right time. Today, that means meeting them where they spend time online. From SEO and social media to marketing automation and content marketing, we find your customers and create long-term relationships that will drive your business forward.
Digital Marketing Services
Social Media
Curious about what people say about us & our services?
"For the past five years, Rita Cox of Cox Marketing Solutions, LLC has provided us with outstanding service including setting up our new website, running our advertising program, and giving us excellent guidance for our social media. Under her tutelage, we have had a history of steadily increased business success."
Barry RichmanPearl Grant Richmans 
"We’ve had the privilege and pleasure of working with Rita for more than 10 years. She is ever a professional, and deeply committed to her clients. We are most impressed with her marketing experience and ability to navigate the ever-changing world of marketing. She offers her clients strategies and solutions with ease, skill, and creativity – to put it simply, she’s a master at thinking outside the box."
Timothy and Genina D. SheehanSheehan Productions 
Overwhelmed by the options?
You know you need to do something but you aren’t sure where to start. Hiring someone who spends a lot of time on social media probably isn’t the best solution. You need experience you can trust to put your resources to work where they will drive the greatest results.
- Building buzz and momentum for a new retail store prior to opening - with social media and marketing automation
- Moving a legacy brick and mortar retail store into an e-commerce website
- Increasing social media engagement by more than 1500% for a large hospitality company
- Generating new leads in B2B businesses by combining SEO with SEM and marketing automation